Sao Paulo What to Wear When You’re There Sao Paolo sky line Brazil Trip – Part 1 Where? Sao Paulo, Brazil Exactly? The Fasano Hotel When? Spring 2013 Why? In+Addition Pr took British press and bloggers on a press trip to Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais to discover the delights of Brazillian fashion. Sao Paulo is the largest city in Brazil and has it’s own fashion week.
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Sao Paulo Sleeping and After Dark The gateway to Disco! Night life is Sao Paulo is fun, but be warned it’s very expensive! Be prepared to part with your cash if you want to go to all the latest hang outs. What to wear? The Paulista’s love their designer labels, flash cars, hand bags and heels. If you want to hang out in Sao Paulo make sure you look like
Sao Paulo Shopping Street graffiti in Vila Madelena (image from TimeOut Sao Paulo) We were lucky enough to get to spend the day shopping in Sao Paulo. There are three main areas in the city which I would recommend for the intrepid shopper and they are: Rua Oscar Freire – This is open air shopping at it’s best, think Rodeo Drive in LA, but with a mix of international and