Well done what a great achievement indeed. Fashion and travel can certainly go hand in hand and from your posts I can see why you’ve been voted. Good luck Reply
Amazing congratulations and what and honour! Wish you all the best moving forward as I’m sure your blog will continue to grow with such beautiful pictures and experiences you share! Reply
Hey..Congratulations on being in the top 10 influencers. Your blog has some amazing pictures and information rich..! Reply
So many congratulations! I’m not at all surprised to see your site listed as one of the top 10 .. it’s been so inspiring for me. Even though I’m sure I won’t make it to many of the places you feature, it’s still a lot of fun to dream. Can’t wait to see where you’re off to next! Reply
Well congratulations!!!!! I am so happy for you, I have been reading your posts for a while and I ca say that you are living the dream. Reply
Congratulations on your achievement. Your posts and pictures are all so good and worth following and get influence from. Wish you more luck for new ventures and work. :) Reply
Big congrats. You cannot fake hard work! Definitely, will start to check out your website more frequently Reply
Congratulations! What an awesome achievement. You very well deserve it because your blog is always a nice site to visit when I get into that feeling of wanderlust. Reply
Looking at the places you go and the pictures you take- I’m really not surprised you were voted as one of the top 10 travel influencers on Instagram. Congratulations! Reply
Thats amazing! Congrats! This is an awesome site – especially when I am feeling like I need to be informed about travelling. Reply
Ah congratulations! Your photos are beautiful, especially the shot in Cuba, so you deserve to be listed in all these and more! Reply
That’s amazing!! Congratulations! You do have a very lovely travel blog. Looking forward to reading more of your travel posts! Reply
Congratulations Bonnie! Love your blog and all of your travel posts! http://www.radhikarecommends.com Reply
Congrats on your achievement! What an impressive award! Keep blogging – you’re doing fabulous! :) Reply
Oh wow what fantastic news and very well deserved! I love this stylish and informative blog with beautiful photography Laura x Reply
A huge congratulations on the three major nominations what an honour. You must be very proud of your hard work Reply
Congratulations! How awesome it is to be voted into the Top Ten Travel Bloggers and Influencers in the UK! You truly deserve it. Your photos are always so beautiful! You are an inspiration to budding travel bloggers out there. Reply
Congratulations! That is amazing! With these shots, I can definitely see why you were nominated. Reply
This is so amazing! What an achievement for you! Congratulations for being voted, you deserve it. I always enjoy your travel posts! Reply
Congratulations on such a special honor. Will definitely be stopping by more often to check out your travels! Reply
Ah that’s so cool! Congrats! Your blog and photos really look stunning! Keep it up and have lots of fun! Reply
Yay massive congratulations that is incredible I am so pleased for you. You have a great blog and so so should be rewarded accordingly xx Reply